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- Short: Geometrical calculations v1.5 (update)
- Author: Francesco Agnoli <Francesco.Agnoli@gmx.net>
- Uploader: Francesco Agnoli <Francesco.Agnoli@gmx.net>
- Version: 1.5
- Type: misc/math
- Requires: OS 2.0+
- Replaces: Geometry_141.lha
- Program for geometrical calculations, written 100% in assembler. It
- includes in this version squares, rectangles, parallelograms, triangles,
- trapeziums, regular polygons, circles, prisms, cylinders, tetraeders,
- pyramids, cones, octaeders, dodecaeders, ikosaeders and vector
- calculations. You must only enter some faces or angles, until the
- program can start the calculation of all remaining parameters, which are
- displayed in a window and saved in a file. You can also draw the figures
- and save them as a IFF-ILBM file (iff.library must be in the "libs:"
- directory).
- Programm für geometrische Berechnungen, zu 100% in Assembler
- geschrieben. Mit dieser Version können Quadrate, Rechtecke,
- Parallelogramme, Dreiecke, Trapeze, regelmäßige Vielecke, Kreise
- (Kreissektoren, Kugel), Prismen, Zylinder, Tetraeder, Pyramiden, Kegel,
- Oktaeder, Dodekaeder, Ikosaeder und Vektorrechnungen berechnet werden.
- Sie müssen nur einige bekannte Längen bzw. Winkel eingeben. Sobald die
- Eingaben für eine Auswertung ausreichen, startet das Programm mit der
- Berechnung. Die Ergebnisse werden in einem eigenen Fenster angezeigt und
- können in einer Datei gespeichert werden. Die berechneten Figuren können
- auch gezeichnet werden und als IFF-ILBM Datei gespeichert werden (dazu
- wird die iff.library benötigt!).
- Programma per calcoli geometrici, scritto completamente in assembler.
- Con questa versione possono essere calcolati quadrati, rettangoli,
- parallelogrammi, trapezi, poligoni regolari, cerchi e calcoli
- vettoriali. Basta scegliere alcuni lati e/o angoli: appena ci sono
- abbastanza dati il programma comincia ad eseguire i calcoli e visualizza
- i risultati in una finestra propria. Questi possono essere anche
- memorizzati. Le figure geometriche possono anche essere disegnate e
- memorizzate nel formato IFF-ILBM (è necessaria la iff.library!).
- Geometry är ett program för geometriska beräkningar. Det är skrivet helt
- i assembler, och denna version har stöd för kvadrater, rektanglar,
- parallellogram, trianglar, parallelltrapetser, reguljära polygoner,
- cirklar, prismor, cylindrar, tetraedrar, pyramider, koner, oktaedrar,
- dodekaedrar och ikosaedrar. Det enda du behöver ange är vissa ytor eller
- vinklar; programmet kan sedan räkna ut återstående variabler, vilka
- visas i ett fönster och kan sparas som en fil.
- *** *** ***
- Geometry is SHAREWARE. If you are using this program regularly you have
- to send DEM 8.-, USD 5.-, ATS 60.-, ITL 8000.- or a corresponding
- amount in your currency to the following address: Francesco Agnoli,
- Schabs Nr. 143, I-39040 NATZ-SCHABS, Italy, E-Mail:
- Francesco.Agnoli@gmx.net. You will get then your personal
- password and the info-requesters that appear from time to time are
- suppressed.
- ==================== Program history =========================
- - Version 1.107: First public release
- - Version 1.200: Graphics window now borderless. It is saved in its full size
- using iff.library. Some bugs are fixed. Geometry now uses
- locale.library with standard catalogs. Two gadgets are
- added in the main window: ellipse and prism with
- rectangular basis.
- - Version 1.210: Minor update. Some bugs fixed.
- - Version 1.300 Vector calculations (3D) and vector statistics (3D) added.
- Graphics window has now a white background (color 2).
- Small graphics output option added in main menu.
- - Version 1.310 Bug in v1.30 fixed.
- - Version 1.320 Small bug fixed.
- Swedish catalog and guide added (Author: Henrik Nilsson).
- French catalog added.
- - Version 1.401 Some improvements in calculations of triangle
- trapezium and ellipse. Bug in drawing routine for
- triangles removed.
- New installer script. New amigaguide documentation
- - Version 1.500 Calculation of triangles with corner coordinates.
- Many improvements in different calculations.
- Geometry now uses reqtools.library to display messages.
- New tooltype: CYCLE. This tooltype replaces buttons in
- the main window by a cycle-gadget. Main window can be
- iconified.
- ==================== Archive contents ========================
- Listing of archive 'Geometry_15.lha':
- Listing of archive 'Geometry_15.lha':
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 6653 2481 62.7% 27-Aug-98 14:30:58 docs/deutsch/Geometry.guide
- 1992 1273 36.0% 14-Apr-98 14:46:12 docs/deutsch/Geometry.guide.info
- 6251 2220 64.4% 27-Aug-98 14:35:54 docs/english/Geometry.guide
- 1992 1270 36.2% 14-Apr-98 14:46:12 docs/english/Geometry.guide.info
- 6158 2129 65.4% 27-Aug-98 14:28:46 docs/français/Geometry.guide
- 1992 1270 36.2% 14-Apr-98 14:46:14 docs/français/Geometry.guide.info
- 6374 2285 64.1% 27-Aug-98 14:29:34 docs/italiano/Geometry.guide
- 1992 1276 35.9% 14-Apr-98 14:46:16 docs/italiano/Geometry.guide.info
- 9519 3852 59.5% 24-Aug-98 17:48:10 docs/svenska/Geometry.guide
- 1992 1275 35.9% 14-Apr-98 14:46:10 docs/svenska/Geometry.guide.info
- 934 515 44.8% 06-Sep-98 16:03:32 examples/Vector_statistics.example
- 102296 39936 60.9% 09-Sep-98 20:35:28 Geometry
- 1432 977 31.7% 28-May-98 22:05:52 Geometry.info
- 10479 2998 71.3% 23-Aug-98 16:59:40 Install_Geometry
- 1319 685 48.0% 14-Apr-98 14:46:44 Install_Geometry.info
- 46148 30624 33.6% 07-Sep-98 12:31:08 libs/reqtools.library
- 5050 2358 53.3% 09-Sep-98 20:35:26 locale/deutsch/Geometry.catalog
- 4874 2238 54.0% 09-Sep-98 20:35:26 locale/english/Geometry.catalog
- 5164 2394 53.6% 09-Sep-98 20:35:26 locale/français/Geometry.catalog
- 5168 2335 54.8% 09-Sep-98 20:35:26 locale/italiano/Geometry.catalog
- 4804 2219 53.8% 09-Sep-98 20:35:26 locale/svenska/Geometry.catalog
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 232583 106610 54.1% 09-Sep-98 20:36:14 21 files